Meter Types
A meter's type determines what information it displays.

Options for each meter type are listed under the Source tab.
Text A simple static text label. No options are available for this meter type.
Active Script Displays text returned by a VBscript of Javascript function. Scripts need to be placed in your Samurize/Scripts directory.
Select Script: Select the script file.
Select Function to Run: Choose the function you wish to run from the selected script.
Run every X min/sec Sets how often the script should be run. It is advised not to use less than 3 minutes for this setting.
Test Script Allows you to test the script and its output. The output appears in the Result box.
Run more frequently When enabled, scripts can be run more often than once every minute. WARNING: this can severely increase the amount of resources Samurize uses. Use it at your own risk.
Change Parameters Edit the parameters (if any) the selected function requires to execute (see the documentation for the script you are using). The parameters are listed in the Parameters box.
Edit Script Opens the script in notepad for editing. You can change the default editor in the Preferences window (Edit menu -> Preferences).
Console Program Captures the output of a console program or DOS command.
Command Line The program/command (including any parameters) to execute.
Test Command Test the output of the program/command.
Update every X minutes How often you want the program/command to be executed.
Date/Time Displays the date and time in a customizable format.
Format Format to display the date and time in. Refer to the Date & Time Formatting Guide for more information (or click on the ? button to the right of the Format field).
Adjust Time Lets you adjust the time to monitor the date or time in other timezones.
Drive Space Displays hard drive usage information on physical or networked drives in various units (including %).
Select Drive: Click on the drive you want to monitor. You can select multiple drives by holding down Control and clicking several drives.
Select Return Value: The value to display in the meter (free, used, total disk space).
Unit: The unit to display the value in.
Laptop Battery Shows the percentage charged or status of a laptop battery.
Memory Displays free/used/total memory (RAM) statistics in various units (including %).
Type of Memory: Select the type of memory you want to monitor from the drop-down box.
Select Return Value: The value to display in the meter (free, used, total memory usage).
Unit: The unit to display the value in.
Plugin Displays text returned by a Samurize plugin. Plugins need to be placed in your Samurize/plugins directory.
Select Plugin: Select the plugin file.
Configure... Pressing this button allows you to configure the plugin on a meter-by-meter basis.
Global Settings... Pressing this button allows you to configure global settings for the plugin.
About Plugin... Pressing this button displays a dialog containing information about the plugin like the plugin author's name and contact details.
Select Function to Run: Allows you to test the plugin output and see if its correct. Output appears in the Result box.
Test Plugin Allows you to test the plugin and its output. The output appears in the Result box.
Change Parameters Edit the parameters (if any) the selected function requires to execute (see the documentation for the plugin you are using). The parameters are listed in the Parameters box.
Perfmon Perfmons are numerical counters managed by NT OS's that provide a wealth of info about various parts of your system and others on a network.
Change Counter Click this button to change the perfmon counter you are monitoring.
Customize Return Value (Unit) Allows you convert the return value to a unit of your choice.
Convert From/To: Converts the value returned by WMI from one unit to another.
POP3 Mail Checks the number of email message in a POP3 email account. Contact your ISP if you do not know some of these settings.
Mail Server The address of your POP3 mail server.
Port The port the mail server is running on (usually 110).
UserName Your POP3 account login name.
Password Your POP3 account password.
Run every X min How often Samurize should check the mail server for new emails.
Check For New Mails Check your POP3 account for new emails (useful for testing the settings you have entered).
Text File Reads a number of lines from a text file. The output updates automatically if the text file's size/modified attributes change.
Text File to Read From: The text file you want to display.
Read line The line number of the first line of text to read.
Number of Lines: The number of lines of text to read.
Read from Start/Read from End Specify whether you want to read files from the start or end of the text file.
Force update every time. Force Samurize to reread the text file every time (normally not needed).
Total Up/Down Shows the total traffic sent/received through a network interface.
Network: Select the network interface card (NIC) you want to monitor.
Select Return Value: The value to display in the meter (traffic sent/received).
Unit: The unit to display the value in.
Reset on reboot When enabled, the sent/received totals will be reset every time the computer is rebooted.
Uptime Displays system uptime in a customizable format.
Format Format to display the uptime in.
WMI WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) meters can display extensive information about your hardware, OS and much more. Examples include graphics card name, OS version and CPU clock speed.
Change Settings Click this button to change the WMI class, instance and property you want to monitor.
Run every X min/sec Sets how often the WMI information should be updated. It is advised not to use less than a few minutes for this setting.
Run more frequently When enabled, WMI meters can be updated more often than once per minute. WARNING: this can severely increase the amount of resources Samurize uses. Use it at your own risk.
Customize Return Value (Unit) Allows you convert the return value to a unit of your choice.
Convert From/To: Converts the value returned by WMI from one unit to another.
Hardware Status Displays temperatures, fan speeds etc. from hardware monitoring applications MotherBoard Monitor (MBM) and Speedfan. Requires you to have MotherBoard Monitor and/or Speedfan installed, configured correctly for your motherboard and running in order to function correctly.
Sensor Type The type of sensor to monitor. (Speedfan only)
Sensor The sensor number to monitor.
Celsius/Fahrenheit The units to display the temperatures in.
Media Displays information about media being played in various media players.*
Foobar Displays the title text (track name, artist etc) from foobar2000. You can change the display by changing the title text Preferences in foobar2000.
QCD Displays information about the currently playing media in Quintessential Player (QCD).
Winamp Displays various information about the currently playing media in Winamp. The information displayed is determined by the Format field. Refer to the Winamp Formatting Guide for more information (or click on the ? button to the right of the Format field)
* For more extensive media player information, check out the AdvancedMediaPlayer plugin by Tropics (included with the Samurize distribution). Read the MultimediaReadme.txt file in your Samurize directory.